This page hosts journal, newspaper, and other interesting articles that may be of use in the Statistics classroom.
Feel free to email any articles you have found to be useful in your class! Thanks to DeAnna McDonald for getting this set of resources started!!
Statistics Articles
General Statistics:
Why Stats.doc - Why Statistics?
America's Real Dream Team.docx - Inspirational
The Art of Stats.pdf - Engaging
Public’s Savior from Harmful Medicine.pdf - History
Descriptive Statistics:
Spike in Disease.doc - Bad Graphs
Success, The Corporate Curmudgeon.pdf - r-squared
Mammogram Math.docx - Bayes’ Theorem
Producing Data:
Relax.doc - Correlation vs. Causation
WhatMakesUsHealthy.doc - Ethics vs. Clinical Trials
YourBabyIsSmarter.doc - Observation vs. Experiment
The Miracle of Vitamin D.docx - Design Vocabulary
Zombie Sampling.pdf - Sampling
Polls based on calls to land lines.pdf - Undercoverage
Spongebob.docx - Experimental Design
ProstateCancer.docx - Correlation and Confidence Intervals
Walker.pdf - Degrees of Freedom
Hand Sanitizers.pdf - 2 Proportions, Design
AP Statistics Resources
Statistics Articles