YMS3e Resources 



This page includes .pdfs of the packets, handouts, worksheets, activities, etc. used with Yates, Moore, Starnes “The Practice of Statistics, 3rd Edition” in AP Statistics at LSHS. 

Teachers, feel free to use any or all files on this site in your classes.  If you have a file you would like to share, email me and I will post it on this page.

Note: Presentations were created in Apple’s “Keynote” and are available in .pdf format and Powerpoint. Caution, some fonts and transitions may not transfer to .ppt.


LSHS YMS3e APStats Resources

 General Information
 Companion Website: 
 Online Quiz Log In Instructions: Instructions

 Welcome to Stats.pdf  • Welcome to Stats.ppt 
    First Day Welcome Presentation
 DidYouKnow.pdf  • DidYouKnow.ppt
    First Day “Shift Happens” Presentation

 Course Requirements: StudyMaterials
 Formulas and Tables: StudentResources
 AP Audit Syllabus: YMS2e.Molesky.pdfYMS3e_files/OnlineQuizInstructions.pdfYMS3e_files/Welcome%20to%20Stats.pdfYMS3e_files/Welcome%20to%20Stats.pptYMS3e_files/DidYouKnow.pdfYMS3e_files/DidYouKnow.pptYMS3e_files/StudyMaterials.pdfYMS3e_files/StudentResources.pdfYMS3e_files/YMS2e.Molesky.pdfshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1shapeimage_1_link_2shapeimage_1_link_3shapeimage_1_link_4shapeimage_1_link_5shapeimage_1_link_6shapeimage_1_link_7

Quick Reference:

YMS3e Chapter Assignment & Pacing Guides

    Semester 1                Semester 2

  1. Bullet ChPGuide            •

  2. Bullet Ch1Guide            •

  3. Bullet Ch2Guide            •

  4. Bullet Ch3Guide            •

  5. Bullet Ch4Guide            •

  6. Bullet Ch5Guide            •

  7. Bullet Ch6Guide            •

  8. Bullet Ch7Guide            •

  9. Bullet Ch8 Guide           •

YMS Vocabulary Crossword Puzzles

  1. Bullet Ch1Puzzle            • Ch7Puzzle

  2. Bullet Ch2Puzzle            • Ch8Puzzle

  3. Bullet Ch3Puzzle            • Ch9Puzzle

  4. Bullet Ch4Puzzle            • Ch10Puzzle

  5. Bullet Ch5Puzzle            • Ch11Puzzle

  6. Bullet Ch6Puzzle            • Ch12Puzzle

Free Response AP Problems. Yay!

Past AP FRQs used after each chapter for review and exam prep:

  1. Bullet YMSFRQCorrelation - Jared Derksen

  2. Bullet AP FRQ Analysis - Daren Starnes

  3. Bullet FRQ.Analysis.doc - Linda Gann

  4. Bullet YMS.FRQ.doc - Sally Miller

  1. Bullet Ch1Frappy            •

  2. Bullet Ch2Frappy            •

  3. Bullet Ch3Frappy            •

  4. Bullet Ch4Frappy            •

  5. Bullet Ch5.1Frappy         •

  6. Bullet Ch5.2Frappy         •

  7. Bullet Ch6aFrappy          •

  8. Bullet Ch6bFrappy          •

  9. Bullet Ch7.1Frappy         •

  10. Bullet Ch7.2Frappy         •

  11. Bullet Ch8Frappy

Preliminary Chapter

  1. Bullet Chapter Guide: ChP.Guide

  2. Bullet Notes: ChP.Notes.pdf   • ChP.Notes.ppt

  3. Bullet Case Closed: CaseClosedHandoutP

  4. Bullet CaseClosedP.pdf   CaseClosedP.ppt

  5. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 0 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 1: Exploring Data

  1. Bullet Chapter Guide: Ch1Guide

  2. Bullet Section 1.1: 1.1Pres.pdf

  3. Bullet Section 1.2: 1.2Pres.pdf   • 1.2Pres.ppt

  4. Bullet Case Closed:  CaseClosedHandout1

  5. Bullet CaseClosed1.pdf   CaseClosed1.ppt

  6. Bullet FRAPPY: Frappy1.pdf

  7. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 1 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 2: Describing Location in a Distribution

  1. Bullet Chapter Guide: Ch2Guide

  2. Bullet Section 2.1: 2.1Pres.pdf   2.1Pres.ppt

  3. Bullet Case Closed: CaseClosedHandout2

  4. Bullet CaseClosed2.pdf   CaseClosed2.ppt

  5. BulletSection 2.2  NormalProbability - Sally Miller

  6. BulletFRAPPY: Frappy2.pdf

  7. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 2 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 3: Exploring Relationships

  1. Bullet Chapter Guide: Ch3Guide.pdf

  2. Bullet Intro Activity: CaseOfMissingmms.pdf

  3. Bullet ‘07-’08 HandHeightData: CaseOfmms.ftm

  4. Bullet LSRL Fathom Example: LSRL Example.ftm

  5. Bullet Chapter 3 Practice: 3.Practice.pdf

  6. Bullet Section 3.3: 3.RegressionTopics.ppt

  7. Bullet Chapter 3 Summary: Ch3Summary.pdf

  8. Bullet Ch3Summary.ppt

  9. Bullet Case Closed: CaseClosedHandout3.pdf

  10. Bullet FRAPPY:  Frappy3.pdf

  11. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 3 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 4: More Bivariate Relationships

  1. Bullet Chapter Guide: Ch4Guide.pdf

  2. Bullet Growth of Starbucks Data: Starbucks.ftm

  3. Bullet Section 4.3: 4.3Pres.pdf    • 4.3Pres.ppt

  4. Bullet Case Closed: CaseClosedHandout4.pdf

  5. Bullet CaseClosed4.pdf

  6. Bullet Just for Fun: Correlation Is Causation.pdf

  7. Bullet FRAPPY: Frappy4.pdf

  8. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 4 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 5: Producing Data

  1. Bullet Chapter Guide: Ch5Guide.pdf

  2. Bullet Random m&m’s: m&mRandom.pdf

  3. Bullet m&m Fathom File: RandomM&Ms.ftm

  4. Bullet ExperimentAnalysisTemplate: Experiments.pdf

  5. Bullet BlockingDogs.pdf Companion Worksheet

  6. Bullet Based on NCSSM activity: BlockingDogs2.pdf

  7. Bullet Just for Fun: FDA Approves Placebo.pdf

  8. Bullet FRAPPYs: Frappy5.1.pdf  Frappy5.2.pdf

  9. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 5 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 6: Probability

  1. Bullet Chapter Guide: Ch6Guide.pdf

  2. Bullet Birthday Problem: BirthdayProblem.xls

  3. Bullet Just for Fun: TypingMonkeys.pdf

  4. Bullet FRAPPYs: Frappy6a.pdf  Frappy6b.pdf

  5. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 6 - Edgar Fong

Jeopardy! PowerPoint Reviews

Note: These are NOT my creations.

Credit is given to the individuals who emailed them to me.

  1. Bullet JeopardyYMSCh1_6.ppt - Dana Bull

  2. Bullet JeopardyFullYear.ppt - Stephen Rektenwald

  3. Bullet Millionaire 1.ppt - Stephen Rektenwald

  4. Bullet Millionaire 2.ppt - Stephen Rektenwald

Chapter 7: Random Variables

  1. Bullet Greed: Greed.pdf

  2. Bullet Casino Lab: CasinoLab.pdf - Adapted from Starnes

  3. Bullet New Casino Lab: Casino Lab 08.pdf - Daren Starnes

  4. Bullet Casino Lab Solutions: Solutions.pdf - Daren Starnes

  5. Bullet FRAPPYs: Frappy7.1.pdf  Frappy7.2.pdf

  6. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 7 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 9: Sampling Distributions

  1. Bullet Activity: German Tanks Problem

  2. Bullet Student Handout: GermanTanksStudent.pdf

  3. Bullet Teacher Info: GermanTanksTeacher.pdf

  4. Bullet Fathom Simulation: GermanTanksFathom.ftm

  5. BulletReading Guide: Chapter 9 - Edgar Fong

Second Semester

Chapter 8: Binomial and Geometric Distributions

  1. Bullet 8.1 Intro Activity: 8.1IntroActivity.pdf

  2. Bullet 8.1 Practice: 8.1Practice.doc

  3. Bullet Just for Fun: 12 days of Christmas.doc - Sally Miller

  4. Bullet FRAPPY: Ch8Frappy - Ann Hackinson

  5. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 8 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 10: Estimating with Confidence

  1. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 10 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 11: Testing a Claim

  1. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 11 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 12: Significance Tests in Practice

  1. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 12 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 13: Comparing Two Parameters

  1. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 13 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 14: Chi Square Procedures

  1. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 14 - Edgar Fong

Chapter 15: Regression

  1. Bullet Reading Guide: Chapter 15 - Edgar Fong

Contact Information

Jason Molesky -- “Mr.M” -- “StatsMonkey”
Email: statsmonkey@mac.com
Assessment and Accountability Coordinator
Lakeville Area Public Schools
Lakeville, MN 55044 mailto:statsmonkey@mac.comshapeimage_3_link_0