III: Probability
Game of Chance.doc - Dora Daniluk
KeyConceptsOfProbability.ppt - Rick Abraham
Probability Internet Lab - Sandra Lowell
Simulated m&m sheets!
•Reece_mms_Simulated.doc- Ruth Reece
New Casino Lab: Casino Lab 08.pdf - Daren Starnes
Casino Lab Solutions: Solutions.pdf - Daren Starnes
III: Sampling Distributions
Example of Sampling Distributions.docx - David Bee
Sampling Distributions II.docx - David Bee
Sampling Distributions III.docx - David Bee
Central Limit Theorem - Mary Harrison
• CentralLimitThm.doc (Minitab13)
GermanTanksProblem - A Classic
12 Days of Statistics - Sally Miller (Adapted from Jim Luhring)
Normal Distribution (Sketchpad) - Aaron Willford
SampleMeansPropScavengerHunt.ppt - Sandra Lowell
Simulating Estimators of the Mean - Daren Starnes
• _testing estimators.ftm Fathom
Vietnam Mini-Lesson - Sally Miller
Probability Teacher Resources
This page includes packets, handouts, worksheets, etc. related to best practice activities from various teachers. If you have a project, activity, worksheet, reading guide, etc that you’d like to offer to other AP Stats teachers, please email it to me at:
All activities will be posted with credit given to their original author and sorted by topic/text. If you would like to contribute, please email your activity!
AP Statistics Resources