

Each year, educators at the AP Reading meet one evening for “Best Practices Night”. This evening is an opportunity for interested presenters to share "best practices" in the teaching of introductory statistics with their colleagues.  Everything from favorite instructional activities to teaching tips to assessment resources to statistical humor have been the subject of presentations in prior years. The sections below provide a cross-section of practices that address a variety of high-school and college topics. 

Best Practices 2016 Collection

np>10? Let Students Develop the Rule: Best Practices 2016.pptx - Bob Lochel

People Cannot Choose a Representative Sample: People Cannot Choose a Representative Sample.pptx - Carla Hill

Pool Noodle Javelins: Pool Noodle Javelins.pptx - Randal Blackwood

Casino Game Day: TYoung Best Practice Night.pptx - Thomas Young

We Won! StatSquad: StatSquad.pptm - Lew Davidson

Plickers: plickersAPReading.pdf - Kim Roth

Hey People! It’s Not Math--It’s Statistics! Hey People—It’s Not Math—It’s STATISTICS!.pptx - Alan Chesen

Grow Better Tree Diagrams: Growing Better Tree Diagrams.pptx - Doug Tyson

Play Statistical God: Play Statistical GOD.doc - Sandra Lowell

Visual Cues in AP Statistics: VIsual Aids in AP Stat.pptx - Darin Clift

Using Team Challenges to Promote Individual Learning: Team challenges Starnes.pptx - Daren Starnes

Marshmallow Spitting - An Exercise in 2-sample t-tests: Marshmallow Spitting.pptx 2sampttest.docx - Anthony Dick

Duality Sticks-The Relationship Between Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests: DualitySticks.pptx - John Krickl

Speed Dating: Speed Dating.pptx - Stacy Elliot

Learning Cards Flip Folder: LearningCardsFlipFolder.pdf - Mark Fisher

Make Your Own Review Book: ComingSoon - June Beighly

Crowdsource Your Review: CrowdsourceReview.pptx - Leigh Nataro

Best Practices 2015 Collection

Parody Math Songs that Teach: YouTubeLink - Glorybeth Becker

Multiple Choice Mondays: MCMonday.doc - Michelle Larson

The Invisible Hand in Sports: Coming Soon - Kyle Greene

Hot Chocolate Regression: HotChocolateRegression.pptx Handout.docx - Anthony Dick

Making it Stick: MakingItStick.pptx - Daren Starnes

Putter Up! An intro to Experimental Design: BestPutter.pptx - Paul Buckley

Inference Round Table: InferenceRoudTable.pptx - Linda Puckett

Paul the Octopus: A Simulation Activity: PaulOctopusSlides.pdf PaulOctopusHandout.pdf - Laura Schultz

Errors and Power: Errors and Power.docx Errors_and_Power.ftm - Corey Andreasen

Around the World in 80 Tosses: AroundWorld.pptx GlobeToss.docx - Lisa Brock & Carol Sikes

FRAPPY Bunnies: FRAPPY BUNNIES.pptx - Joshua Sawyer

Strategies for Standards Based Grading: YankayPresentation DerksenBlog - Adam Yankay, Jared Derksen, Corey Andreasen

A Pocketful of Inference Procedures: PocketfulInferenceProcedures.pptx - Lynette Hudiburgh

Kahoot!: Kahoot_Tutorials.pdf - John Bennett

Making AP Review Individualized: ReviewStrategyAPTestUDL.pptx - Chris & Ashley Schreckengost

AP Statistics Field Day: Class Activities worksheet 2016.docx blank tree for test type.docx ppt - Mary Harrison

Developing Partnerships w/AP Stat Practice Exam: Practice Exam.pptx - Christy Brown & Beth Johnson

Best Practices 2014 Collection

Professional Night Presentation:  AP Reading June 2014 Talk.pdf - Chris Franklin

Rhythm & Rhyme: - Amy Crum

Blockification: Williams Blockification.ppt, VocabVennDiagramActivity.docx - Penny Williams

R is not Enough: 4 interesting data sets.pptx, 4sets.docx, 4sets.pdf - Ashley Schreckengost

Starbursts and R2: - Doug Tyson

Expect More from Expected Value: Expected Value presentation.pptx - James Friedrich

Binomial Formula the Easy Way, Review Sheets: BinomialProbability.pdf MurderMystery.docx MysterySolutions.docx - Dori Peterson & Sandra Lowell

Fantasy Football in the Stats Classroom: Keynote FF.key (requires Apple Keynote), - Meredith Many

Highlighting Standards: Best Practices Night-F. Ushe1.pptx - Fides Ushe

1:1 Classroom and Flipped Learning: Prezi Link - Kathy Petko

How Do You Know if Your Students Geddit? Gedditt.pptx - Laura Ringwood

Creating a Collaborative AP Stats Community: CreatingACollaborativeAPStatisCommunity.ppt - Mandi Kraemer

Using Writing in Statistics Classes: Using Writing in Statistics.ppt - Tonya Adkins

Z Puzzles: ZPuzzles.pptx, mostly blank template.doc, z-puzzle.doc - Christine Wozniak

Morbid Math: Morbid Math.pptx, Morbid Math T Distribution Activity.doc - Brianna Kurtz

Give Those Gummies a Second Look: FlyingGummy.key (requires Keynote), FlyingGummyData.ftm- Kevin DeVizia

Gimme a Kiss! Gimme a Kiss!.pptx, Hersheys Kiss Activity.docx - Lisa Brock & Carol Sikes

Sampling Using Beads: APAC 2014.pptx - Paul Rodriguez

Proper Work for Significance Tests: ProperWorkSigTests.pptx - Luke Wilcox

The Quest: Student Quest Questions 13-14.pdf - Eric Lund

Serving the Community Through Statistics: Wilkerson - Best Practices Presentation - Josh Wilkerson

Best Practices 2013 Collection

Professional Night Presentation: APTalk.ppt - Jessica Utts

How to Collect Data Quicker in Class: Powerpoint - Kirstie Dohler

The Rules of Engagement: Powerpoint , Test Prep Reflection.doc - Robin Levine-Wissing

Making Homework Count: Powerpoint - Daren Starnes

Scatterbrained Fathom: StompRocketPrediction.ftm, Guess the Distribution.ftm - Kevin DeVizia

Pi as a Random Number Generator: Powerpoint - Leigh Nataro

Understanding and Visualizing Confidence Level: Powerpoint - Ashley Schrekengost

The Proper Conclusion to a Significance Test: Powerpoint - Luke Wilcox

A Flip and A Twist: Keynote - Jonathan Osters

2-sample t-test, with only summary stats, using Excel: Excel - Barry Woods

Research Team Assemble! Powerpoint - Brandon Hanson

Statistical Organizers: PDF - Ruth Wunderlich

Statistics at Lazer Quest: Powerpoint, Field Trip to Lazer Quest.docx - Mary Harrison

NBA Draft Lottery Probabilities: Word - James Bush

Co-Teaching across AP Courses: Powerpoint - Bob Lochel

StatKey: Online Apps for Teaching Randomization Tests and Bootstraps: Link to StatKey

The Magic of Statistics…Revealed! Powerpoint - Michael Posner

Quick Review Worksheets: Wksht1 Wksht2 Wksht3 - Sandra Lowell

The Moneyball Effect - Teaching Stats through Sports - Powerpoint - Paul Buckley

Best Practices 2012 Collection

South Carolina and Pennsylvania AP Practice Exam: Powerpoint - Ellen Breazel

Podcasting Potentials for Statistics: Powerpoint, Podcasting_links.docx - Brandon Hanson

Pencasts: Hill.pdf - Carla Hill

Statistics Valentine / Inference Foldable: Powerpoint, Directions.docx, Valentine.docx, Inference.docx - Mary Harrison

Creating Balloon-Help Tutorial Projects: Powerpoint - Rob Gerver

How I Learned to Stop Worrying about it and Just Teach MBA 580!: Powerpoint - Alan Chesen

FRAPPY’s!: FRAPPY Page - Jason Molesky

Technology Cures Stagefright: Powerpoint - Leigh Nataro

Normal Probability Plots – Part 2, Using Excel: Excel Worksheet - Barry Woods

Bunko Probabilities: Activity.pdf, Rules_solutions.pdf,  - Beth Rothfuss

Probability: What Is and Ain't Appropriate in AP Statistics: Starnes.doc - Daren Starnes

Joint AP Statistics & AP U.S. Gov't end-of-year projects: Powerpoint - Adam Shrager

Best Practices 2011 Collection

David Salsburg, “The Lady Tasting Tea” Presentation Slides: Salsburg.pptx

Ron Wasserstein, Lottery Talk: Powerpoint, LottoLuck, 300 Numbers

Introducing Sampling Distributions: - Doug Tyson and Michael Costello

Calculating Normal Probabilities Using Excel: Sample Excel File - Barry Woods

Applications of the Normal Quantile Plot:  Slides  - David Rose

Wedding Story: - Mary Harrison

The Birthday Paradox: - Laura Schultz

A Year’s Worth of Inquiry on Day One: - William Thill

Text Messaging Competition: Instructions.docx  - - Adam Shrager

Stats Investigations Using ASA’s Census at School: Ferris.handout.2011.pdf - Dave Ferris

The Use of Case Studies in Undergraduate Business Statistics: - Alan Chesen

Teaching AP Literacy in a Heterogeneous Classroom: - Maura Dudley

Student Readers: SampleGradingSheet.doc - Adam Yankay

What the AP Reading Taught Me About Traditional Judaism: Presentation - Ruth Wunderlich

Teaching Statistics with Fathom: - Ruth Carver

Technology Presentation: - Beth Chance

AP STATS RESOURCESDescriptive_Statistics.html
AP EXAM INFOAP_Review.html




AP Reading Best Practices Night

AP Reading Information